Rumores Buzz em 2018bolsonaro

Rumores Buzz em 2018bolsonaro

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By November, however, a second wave of the virus had begun descending with a fury after many Brazilians relaxed their adherence to prevention protocols. The spiking spread of the disease was exacerbated by the slow rollout of the country’s vaccination program, which was not aided by the nay-saying of Bolsonaro, who speciously claimed that the vaccinations posed health hazards.

Even as the situation became increasingly grim, Bolsonaro persisted in downplaying the crisis. However, as his popularity suffered, he began to walk back some of his criticism of the prevention measures, especially after a Supreme Court judge dismissed the corruption charges against Lula in March 2021, paving the way for the popular former president to challenge Bolsonaro for the presidency in 2022.

As the election approached, Bolsonaro began closing in on the lead that Lula had enjoyed in preference polling. Nevertheless, in the first round of voting, on October 2, Bolsonaro narrowly lost to Lula, as the two far outdistanced the other nine presidential candidates. Lula captured some 48 percent of the vote, whereas Bolsonaro claimed about 43 percent.

Bolsonaro’s all-but-official championing of deforestation in the Amazon region proved to be much less broadly popular, though his reduction of the punitive powers of the country’s environmental agencies—which protected the Amazon rainforest and the interests of indigenous people who lived there—was warmly greeted by the business sectors that profited from the region’s exploitation. Bolsonaro’s government turned a blind eye to illegal logging concerns that clear-cut protected land and then burned the remaining trees to make way for cattle ranching and mining. However, in July and August 2019, when forest fires in the region were blazing at levels that had not been reached for some 10 years, there was an uproar both within Brazil and from an international community that was concerned about the impact the damaging of the rainforest would have on climate change.

Throughout his presidency, Mr. Bolsonaro, who served in the military before entering politics, methodically questioned and criticized the security of Brazil’s electronic voting system, despite the lack of credible evidence of a problem, and attacked mainstream news outlets as dishonest.

Neste período, igualmente disse não “admitir abrir a porta blindada do meu apartamento e topar com 1 casal gay se despedindo com 1 beijo na boca, e meu filho assistindo a isso”.

While working in Congress, Bolsonaro hired Michelle as a secretary and over the next two years she received unusual promotions and her salary more than tripled.

Na sede do PL, foi encontrado na sala de Bolsonaro 1 documento de que defende e anuncia a decretação por 1 estado do sítio e da garantia da lei e da ordem no país.

No ano seguinte, voltou à carga ao dizer preferir “sobreviver pelo regime militar a morrer nesta democracia”.

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Three of Mr Bolsonaro's allies have since been arrested, and the head of his political party has also been detained.

O presidente do PL, Valdemar Costa Neto, foi alvo do 1 mandado de Procura, contudo acabou preso em flagrante por posse irregular por arma do fogo. Uma pepita do ouro foi apreendida usando ele.

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